Consideraciones importantes sobre el fraude procesal
Magíster Scientiarium en Derecho Laboral y Administración del Trabajo, Mención, Derecho Laboral. […]
Magíster Scientiarium en Derecho Laboral y Administración del Trabajo, Mención, Derecho Laboral. […]
Mi Nombre es Gabriel Fodor, he tenido el privilegio de desempeñarme como notario público en el estado de Florida, una experiencia que ha enriquecido mi formación y pasión por el derecho. A pesar de mi juventud, he acumulado una considerable experiencia en este rol, lo que me ha permitido desarrollar una comprensión profunda de los procedimientos legales y la importancia de la exactitud y la integridad en todos los documentos notariales.
Estudiar derecho en los Estados Unidos ha sido una travesía desafiante pero gratificante. Mis estudios me han brindado una base sólida en diversas áreas del derecho, complementando mi práctica diaria como notario. He tenido la oportunidad de aplicar mis conocimientos académicos a situaciones reales, lo que me ha permitido crecer tanto personal como profesionalmente. Además, ser testigo de la importancia del rol de un notario en la protección de los intereses de las partes involucradas y en la prevención de fraudes ha reforzado mi compromiso con la justicia y la legalidad. Estoy entusiasmado por continuar mi educación y por las futuras oportunidades de servir a mi comunidad, siempre con integridad y dedicación.
Abogado egresado de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (2022). Tesista de Especialización en Derecho Mercantil en la misma casa de estudios.
Se desempeñó como asistente judicial y relator de sentencias en el Juzgado Segundo de los Tribunales de Primera Instancia en lo Civil, Mercantil, Tránsito y Bancario de la Circunscripción Judicial del Área Metropolitana de Caracas (2019-2021).
Se ha desempeñado como abogado en importante firma de abogado en la ciudad de Caracas, dedicándose a las áreas de litigios civiles, contencioso administrativo y derecho corporativo.
Actualmente se desempeña como abogado litigante en las áreas de derecho procesal civil, en el departamento de derecho mercantil, donde enfoca sus servicios realizando escritos, contratos mercantiles, gestión de cumplimiento normativo, cobranza, incluyendo negociaciones y conciliaciones, entre otros servicios.
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Caracas.
Asociación Venezolana de Arbitraje (AVA)
Abogada egresada de la Universidad del Zulia en el año 2.003. Licenciada en Administración de empresas egresada de la Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín en el año 2.003. Magíster Scientiarium en Derecho Laboral y Administración del Trabajo, Mención, Derecho Laboral egresada de la Universidad del Zulia en el año 2.008.
Curso estudios en la Universidad Central de Venezuela Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas, División de Estudios para Graduados, la Especialización de Derecho Procesal. Curso y aprobó Diplomado De La Ley Orgánica De Prevención, Condición Y Medio Ambiente De Trabajo otorgado por Universitas en el año 2.007. Curso Y Aprobó Diplomado Ley Orgánica Procesal Del Trabajo en el Colegio de Abogados del Estado Zulia y Asociación Civil Altos Estudios de Derecho Procesal, en el año 2004, en la Universidad Valles de Momboy. Estado Trujillo.
Amplia experiencia en el campo del Derecho Laboral, Procesal Laboral, Civil y Mercantil que le han permitido ser la consultora de varias empresas de la ciudad.
Su desempeño profesional incluye suplencias de Secretaria de Sala en el Circuito Judicial con Competencia en Delitos de Violencia contra la Mujer de la Circunscripción Judicial del Estado Zulia, para el año 2. 016.
A lo largo de su trayectoria profesional se ha caracterizado por ser responsable, disciplinada, con iniciativa y motivación al logro y siempre en la búsqueda de la excelencia en las metas trazadas. Con capacidad de Trabajo en equipo y experiencia de trabajo bajo presión. Experiencia en el estudio y redacción de cualquier tipo de documento jurídico. Experiencia en el campo del ejercicio profesional como Abogado Litigante. Amplia Experiencia en el Manejo de Tribunales. Amplia Experiencia en Audiencias Orales de Contenido Laboral.
Abogada Cum Laude egresada de la Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, y actualmente cursante del posgrado «Especialización en Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social» en la misma casa de estudio.
Se ha enfocado en el Derecho del Trabajo Venezolano, y las diversas materias que lo componen: Derecho Individual del Trabajo, Derecho Colectivo del Trabajo, Derecho Funcionarial, Seguridad Social, Derecho Procesal del Trabajo, entre otras.
Tambien se desenvuelve con eficiencia, en otras areas del Derecho fuera de su especialidad, tales como: civil, mercantil, agrario, inquilinario, etc.
Su trayectoria incluye experiencia en los Tribunales del Trabajo de la Circunscripción Judicial del Estado Zulia y en la Procuraduría General del Estado Zulia, lo cual ha contribuido a su desarrollo profesional. Como resultado, ha adquirido habilidades como la excelente redacción de documentos, gestión de litigios, orador convincente, resolución de problemas, capacidad de analisis, entre otras.
Carlos D. Atencio-Blackman is a lawyer from the Universidad del Zulia (LUZ), from which he graduated with an outstanding average. He has fourth-level studies in human rights and university teaching at LUZ, and has also completed advanced studies in Corporate Law at the Institute of Management and Strategy of Zulia (IGEZ) and at theUniversidad Metropolitana (UNIMET).
He is a specialist in Procedural Law from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
His professional practice was complemented as a guest professor of Civil Law and Civil Procedure at LUZ, and an ordinary professor at the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta (URU), where he is also a tutor and jury examiner of the special degree works of applicants for the title of lawyer. .
He is an arbitrator for the URU's “Legal Questions” Magazine, an ordinary member of the Venezuelan Arbitration Association and former member and former director of Admissions and Publications of the Zulia Subchapter of the World Association of Young Jurists and Law Students, for which he has written reviews of internal circulation such as the one entitled “procedural interest” and published a study on commercial procedural matters “on the claims of shareholders against the directors of a public limited company.”
In 2022 he published the book: “Self-satisfactory measures: legal criteria for their location in the general theory of procedural action”, with the seal of Los Ángeles Editores Internacional.
He has experience in the public and private sectors, having held, among other positions, Rapporteur of the First Court of First Instance in Civil, Commercial and Traffic Matters of the state of Zulia, Prosecutor IV of the Public Ministry of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas and corporate lawyer of Banco Occidental de Descuento, Banco Universal.
Lawyer Graduated from the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta in 2021. She completed her studies as a bachelor in 2015, at the Mater Salvatoris School in Maracaibo. She completed her internship at the Judicial Headquarters of Banco Mara in Administrative Litigation in the Western Region, she also complemented her knowledge at a legal desk in the area of Civil Law and in the Protection of Children and Adolescents.
Civil and Commercial Law Course: Legal Generalities of civil and commercial contracts. (2022)
Lawyer Graduated from the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta (URU) in 2020. With language skills, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, with English level B1 and French B1.
Working as a lawyer drafting Civil and Commercial Contracts.
Master candidate in Private International Law, especially Droit International des Affaires.
Lawyer Graduated from the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta (2012) with specialized studies in Childhood and Adolescence (2015).
She held various positions in the Circuit for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of the State of Zulia from May 2007 to 2015 as well as Secretary in the Eleventh Executing Court of Measures of the Municipality of Maracaibo in 2015.
Her specialty being the area of family protection, she began her professional practice dedicated to finding solutions to family needs, such as authorizations, separations, divorces, pensions, among others. She is also in charge of international signature procedures such as apostilles. and foreign authentications among others.
Currently residing in Florida, USA, she manages the requests, applications or procedures that our clients require in this country.
Lawyer specializing in Criminal Matters, graduated from the Universidad del Zulia, in 1998. Beginning her judicial career in 1994, in the position of Court Assistant in the Courts of First Instance for Minors, under the validity of the Guardianship Law juvenile; She later held the position of assistant in the Court of First Instance for Criminal Matters and Safeguarding of Public Assets, under the validity of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
With the entry into force of the Accusatory System through the Organic Code of Criminal Procedure, I hold the positions of assistant to courts of First Instance for the Transitory Procedural Regime. In the exercise of her judicial career, she was promoted to the position of Rapporteur Attorney of the Court of Appeals of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of the State of Zulia and Substitute Secretary of Second Instance; to later be promoted to Titular Secretary of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of the State of Zulia, performing her different functions of control, trial and execution; She obtained recognition as a career judicial employee, and she obtained recognition from the different Judges of the Criminal Judicial Circuit, the Presidency of the Circuit and the Judicial School.
In 2014, he joined the Public Defense of the State of Zulia, in which he held the positions of auxiliary and provisional defender in criminal matters; until 2021, where ordinary retirement was granted. He studied at the Santa María University, specializing in Criminal Sciences and in the master's degree in Criminal and Criminological Sciences at the Universidad del Zulia at the «Dra. Lolita Aniyar de Castro”, completing her schooling. He also participated in conferences and conferences on gender and other areas of Law.
Lawyer graduated from LUZ 1981, specialist in Family Law, Doctor of Law 2000.
Work Experience: Head of the Public Defender's Office, First Instance Juvenile Judge, Retired Judge of the Court of Appeals, Adolescent Section of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of the State of Zulia.
Teaching Experience: Active tenured professor at LUZ Undergraduate in the Childhood and Adolescence Law category, Postgraduate Professor in the Childhood and Adolescence Law specialty, teaching the Criminal System of Adolescent Responsibility. She is assigned to the Graduate Studies Division of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the Universidad Del Zulia.
Postgraduate Courses Taken: University of Salamanca, Spain, Criminal Law. Carlos III University of Madrid, Globalization and Human Rights Course.
Lawyer graduated from the illustrious Universidad del Zulia in 1976, Specialty in Social Law at the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, Master at the University of Newport MBA, Doctor in Law at the Universidad del Zulia, Postgraduate Studies at the Castilla La Mancha University in Madrid, Carlos II in Getafe, Universidad de Salamanca, Bologna Italy, Scholarship of the Training Center of the International Labor Organization in Turin, University Professor at LUZ, URBE and other academic centers in Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate for more than 25 years.
Lawyer graduated from the Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín (URBE 2003), Master in Management (URBE 2006) and in Labor Law (LUZ 2007). Current Managing Partner of the firm with almost 20 years of experience in areas such as Corporate, Agrarian, Labor, Civil, Customs, Commercial and Hydrocarbon Law.
He has served as a Lawyer for different companies in the Western and Capital regions, both national and transnational in all their processes, dedicated to activities such as Energy, Food, Industrial and Agricultural, also including negotiations, mergers and acquisitions in Venezuela.
With experience and studies in international compliance, he advises his clients in the creation and maintenance of offshore corporate structures in order to protect assets and investments, complying with all environmental, banking and legal standards in the jurisdictions chosen by clients.
He has held important positions in Civil Associations in the Western Region, which have contributed positive effects to his practice of the profession of Lawyer, guided by values required by every client such as confidentiality, discretion, seriousness and responsibility in every objective set.
Lawyer graduated from the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta in 2019, he was a collaborator of the Fourth Court of First Instance in Civil, Commercial and Traffic Matters of the Judicial District of the State of Zulia, he did his academic internships at the legal office of Dr. Jorge Alejandro Machín Cáceres , under the direction of its founder, to then work as a lawyer for a period of 2 years in his firm until August 2021, in August 2022 he joined our firm Álvarez, Álvarez y Asociados as an associate, in the area of litigation, serving as a trial lawyer since his entry to date.
Se ha desempeñado en materia de seguros, formando parte del Departamento Legal de la Asociación Cooperativa de Seguro para Vehículos, Vehículo Seguro, VR, interviniendo en la redacción de oficios y demandas.
Como parte de su experiencia profesional ha sido abogada encargada del Departamento de Dontratos en la consultoría jurídica del Banco Occidental de Descuento (B.O.D.), una de las principales instituciones financieras del país en el área corporativa, adquiriendo experiencia en todo lo relacionado a la actividad bancaria y contratos entre ellos destacan los pagarés, préstamos e hipotecas.
Es abogada encargada de los procesos de constitución de sociedades mercantiles, elaboración de asambleas ordinarias y extraordinarias, aumento y disminución de capital social, negociaciones y resolución de conflictos entre accionistas; redacción y tramitación de poderes de administración, representación judicial y especiales. Ha elaborado documentos de bienhechurías, limitación a la propiedad, constitución de hipotecas, entre otros.
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